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Air Conditioning Tuneup
Stay cool all summer with Rite Temperature's seasonal Air Conditioning tuneup special. Our professional tuneup Includes:
- Clean filters as needed
- Lubricate and inspect bearings
- Clean indoor coil if accessible
- Monitor refrigerant
- Inspect safety devices
- Tighten electrical connections
- Inspect for exposed wiring
- Test and inspect capacitors
- Inspect fan blade
- Inspect service valves
Monitor compressor
New Furnace $3200
The best in South Columbus (Franklin County)
Rite Temperature Products Air Conditioners Heat Pumps Air Cleaners Thermostats Furnaces & Coils Air Handlers Humidifiers And More
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How We Save You Money
Rite Temperature - Services Searching for a full scope of heating air conditioning services? You’ve come to the right place. At Rite Temperature, we specialize in all aspects of indoor comfort and continually earn our reputation as the experts for over 40 years. Call us for assistance with the following:
Installation –Any experienced HVAC technician will tell you that quality installation is just as important as selecting a quality unit.
Don’t make the mistake of selecting an installation team based on price alone. Enlist Rite technicians to do the job and you’ll reap the benefits for years to come.
Repair – You name the make and model of the HVAC unit, and our technicians can likely fix it. What’s more, they’re available 7 days a week to respond to any of your repair needs. After all, HVAC units don’t run just on daylight hours, and malfunctions can occur at any time.
Maintenance – Once you’ve selected the right system, it’s time to ensure its continual operating success. We offer extensive maintenance plans that take the guesswork out of keeping your system up to par.
Are Your Ducts All In A Row?
Simply put, when your air ducts are clogged, your air conditioner or furnace have to work much harder. A simple routine cleaning can make all of that go away.
Allow a professional from Rite Temperature to carefully inspect your duct system. It will ensure that your unit is operating at top ability which will prolong the life of your equipment and save you money.
The best time to do this is to schedule your duct inspection with our special spring tune up. That way when the Rite Temperature Technician leaves your home in late March or early April; you are ready to beat the heat that comes with summer and keep your family cool!
Advice On Heating Tips
During our maintenance check, we'll be happy to discuss ways you can improve your overall home heating. Many years parts of Ohio have received over 56 inches of snow. So you need to be ready. Because heavy snow falls, record-setting cold temperatures, and gusty winds, get make most homes very uncomfortable.. Luckily for you, we have gathered together the top home heating tips to help you stay warm and cozy this winter. Rite Temperature will be glad discuss these with you such as Install a programmable thermostat or schedule a duct cleaning. A programmable thermostat will not only save you money, but will also help you to wake up to a nice, warm home. Hire a professional to maintain your HVAC system.
Yearly Maintenance
Each year, you should have a professional and qualified technician inspect your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air condition) systems. The technician should check the combustion process and conduct any necessary heating repair to ensure that your HVAC system is working properly and efficiently. Be sure to kKeep doors, windows, and drafty corners sealed off when the heat is turned on: All too often, we turn the heat on and forget to close the doors to hallways, closets, and other rooms we rarely use.. If you leave the doors open, you will allow heat to escape from the main rooms. Not only will your home take longer to heat, you will also be spending more money to heat the same space. Use the power of the sun by leaving the drapes open in the afternoon and then closing them at night.
Saving Energy = Saving Money
Heating and cooling your home uses more energy and drains more energy dollars than any other system in your home. Typically, 44% of your utility bill goes for heating and cooling. No matter what kind of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system you have in your house, you can save money and increase comfort by properly maintaining and upgrading your equipment. Remember, though, an energy efficient furnace or air-conditioner alone will not have as great an impact on your energy bills as using the whole house approach. By combining proper equipment maintenance and upgrades with appropriate insulation, weatherization and thermostat setting, you can cut your energy bills in half. .

43 Years In South Columbus By Always Putting Safety First
The key to Rite Temperature's longeviity in Columbus is that we live by an important first.
Your family's safety is job one. We won't cut corners because at the heart of heating and cooling is breathing. And millions of people have compromised immune system ailments like asthma. Pay attention to air cleanliness and duct maintenance..
It is also important that people responsibly manage any space heaters they use during the winter.
At Rite Temperature HVAC we want to save you money, but safety is always first and we will only recommend systems that that are efficient, economical and safe to use.